11 years old boy beats Albert Einstein-naijastudentsblog

 An 11-year-old schoolboy  Rarmani joined Mensa after scoring higher than Stephen Hawking, with two points higher than  Bill Gates,Albert Einstein and Prof. Hawking who all had 160 IQs, Ramarni scored 162, putting him in the top 1% in the UK.The test was conducued at Birbeck University and according to Rarmani "I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40's"(talking about the test).    According to THE MIRROR,Ramarni Wilfred's signs of an ingenius manifested as a toddler, when his favourite book was an encyclopedia. He could read and write at a very young age and at the age of 10 and still in primary school,he wrote a philosophy paper on fairness that earned him a second class upper honour and a mock Oxford graduation.His Mother Anthea wanting him to grow up with other kids his age refused a move by his school to promote him by a class. Ramarni harbors hopes of one day studying at Oxford and becoming an astrophysicist.

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