6 awesome jamb physics tips-naijastudentsblog

All Engineering,Medical,Physical and Life science candidates must as a matter of necessity register physics as one of their 4 subject combinations in jamb. 50 questions(each carrying 2 marks) are normally asked in physics and candidates are expected to attempt all.
Most students see physics as one very hard subject;infact,physics is responsible for chasing students out from science classes to the Art and Commercial classes. But the truth remains that physic is unarguably the easiest subject to get your highest score. surprised?

The following tips will aid you in scoring great marks physics;
1. Know that physics is all about formulae. the weapon you need to use to conquer this physics is the formulae contained in physics itself.Learn and memorize all the formulae you come across,their applications and the laws behind them. Also make sure to know the units of the various parameters in a paricular formula and their possible conversions.
2. There exist alot of shortcuts in solving a particular physical problem;these are the things you should search for and learn.
3. Jamb might decides to twist a particular problem,therefore understand the implication of a given physical principle or theory to help you manoeuvre any strange question that you encounter.
4.Physics is all about practicing. The questions that will be set by jamb are not from the moon,they are right inside that physics textbook in your hand or in your possession,if you can study the full text material properly,you are already 60% into scoring high physics.
5.Study alot of past questions. this will make you familiar with the way jamb sets their questions.( also note that most of these past questions come with solutions,this will greatly aid your studies and increase your knowledge).
6. During the examination any question that seems to be time consuming should be skipped and visited later;there is no time to waste over one question,there are other 49 questions waiting for you to answer.

Textbook prescription;
Use "Integrated Physics by Afolabi" and "Secondary School Physics by Okeke"

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