Degrees don't give Millions-naijastudentsblog

Some of the world's richest men never had a college degree,most of them simply just got the degree after they had made their wealth. An Idea not a college degree is what is needed to make wealth,services not college grades is what is needed to amass financial treasures.
The principle still remains the same;discover a need in the world or your society, and provide a satisfying solution to that need.
-Dangote who is the richest man in Africa didn't make his billions with his certificate in business studies.
-Mark Zukerberg the youngest billionaire created facebook in his hostel room in the university out of passion and a feeling for the need of a universal social network,his degree didn't give him billions his idea did.
-Bill Gate makes his never ending billions of dollars from microsoft and not from working with his college/university degree.
-The popular actors,musicians and entertainers in Nigeria made their wealth from ideas and services,not from their college degrees(as you may know a good number of them are university graduates).
No doubt college education is very important,but it is just a compliment or a supplement to the idea you can generate to amass wealth(college education helps your in packaging,reforming and implementing those ideas). Your Idea holds the wealth,your ideas will present you with millions,your idea and only your idea alone will make you wealthy. Sure working with your college degree will still generate some money for you,but your wealth will be limited by the wealth of that man/woman you will be working for,you can never be richer than them,their wealth will be your limitation.

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