What all jambites should know-naijastudent'sblog

All and on students who had 200 and above in their jamb keep asking me one question "what are my chances". I decided to write this post to give you an Idea of what your chances are this year. First of all,it is an established fact as I have stated earlier in one of my previous articles that this years jamb had a lot of successes 200 and above is what I hear anytime I inquire on the performance of a student (click here to read the post) as a result the post ume exam in all universities will be keenly contested. Schools will witness crowd and multitude off students coming for the screening test. Therefore one thing is needful for all students to have in mind  'the competition will be stiff''. Students should forget about how high or how low their jamb score is,students should stop measuring their chances by their jamb score. If you applied for a university and you got 200 and above,what it means is that you have been invited for the selection test,where you show your actual worth and desire for an admission slot.This implies that the chances of all students who scored 200 and above (or who passed the cut-off of the university they applied for some of which is 180) are all equal. Scoring 300 in jamb does not automatically gives you admission neither does scoring 200 or 180 at the dot denies you automatically of your admission both he that scored 300 and he that scored 200 (or 180) still have to sit for the same exam. If the man with 300 feels presumptuous and rest no his laurels (achievements) he might end up not being admitted and if the man with 200 (or 180) sits up and study for the screening exam (post ume) he night be the one smiling at the end of the day.

CONCLUSION: the chances of all students at the moment are equal, sit back and commence studies for your putme exam.

what other advice do you have for students who passed this year's jamb?
what question do you have concerning the forth coming post ume?
you can leave a comment below.

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