DO NOT FALL FOR FAILURE-naijastudentsblog

As a nigerian student, it would not be an understatement to say you are surrounded with circumstances that do nothing but beckon on failure. You are always discouraged by what you see and hear: From the want in the family, to the poor academic start in your primary school days;from endless writing and rewriting of waec and her cohorts to writing and overwriting of jamb for years before finally getting admitted; from the financial constraints in our tertiary educational system laced and polished with bribery and corruption,laziness and indifference of lecturers to poor learning facilities in our schools and lots more.
All these things break our heart so much that your feet fail you as you think about all these things, your thoughts fail you as you ponder on all these things, can I ever make it in life? You might have asked yourself.

I  bring you good tidings, yes you can make it . These setbacks and aweful circumstances and challenges are the actual ingredients of your success story, they are the  battles that if won gives the real victory and triumph.

Greatness is the successor of failure and helplessness,. greatness if the result of not falling for failure, greatness is the product of overcoming the challenges and circumstances beaming failure in your eyes. Persistence will keep you on track,passion and drive will keep you going, your hope and dream of the future will be your strength and stay despite these challenges.

Do not be discouraged by what you see do not fall for these circumstances, let your desire burn the candle before you, lighting your path and leading you to your awaiting greatness.

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