He Lost An Opportunity To Work In NNPC; Who Says A Degree is Useless?-naijastudentsblog

In my previous post, I made some analysis on the importance of ideas over certificates,(click here to read post). It will be more informative for you to know that my assertion wasn't "degree is a waste of time"

 I never said a college degree was a waste of time when i said that ""degrees don't give wealth ideas do"  instead I was simply portraying  the importance of ideas with a college degree.

Now who said that a degree was useless? I tell You a story, Read This Story

A boy lost a life time opportunity of working in the Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation (NNPC) simply because he couldn't provide a single certificate. The boy's uncle works in the cooperation and as a means of helping the jobless boy secure meaningful employment, he asked him to bring 'any'  university certificate so he could give him a job,the boy had none, he went further (or should I say lower) to ask for an SSCE certificate, the boy had none, ok bring your primary six certificate, could you believe that the boy couldn't even provide a useful primary six certificate? That was how he lost the life time opportunity of working in such huge oil firm.
(you can call this a fiction if you want, but this is a first hand story from my university friend)

The importance of a university certificate in our modern-day nigeria is enormous. Your certificate will pave the way for your idea to go far, after all Dangote had a degree in business studies. Mark Zukerberg and Bill Gate were computer scientist in their college days.

The economic circumstance in nigeria can only be survived by some one with a working an converting idea yet a college degree puts you forward in the competition. And as I said in the previous update (click here to read), degrees are the packaging and the transporter of your ideas, in addition to that your awesome idea, a college degree is indispensable , you will need it someday even if you are an entrepreneur you will need it in nigeria or maybe elsewhere.

So are you a University,Polytechniv Or Education student already?
I employ you to take your studies very serious, it might be your aid, saviour or last resort when the going gets rough and tough.
Are you a jambite seeking  for admission?
Study very hard for your matriculation and Putme exams, do all you can to secure an admission it will pay back with a huge sum in the future.

And to help your preparation you can download my free Putme Student Preparation Guide "Preparing For Putme 2015". Click here to download
 Are you a secondary school student or  an O'level student and you're contemplating between obtaining a degree and learning a trade?
I tell you, as much as learning one trade or the other is of utmost importance, a university, polytechnic or education degree is of 'almost' greater importance.
Decide to study and obtain a degree, it is NEVER  a waste of time.

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